
Berwick, Edinburgh, Manchester, Brighton, Manchester

Alright so, apparently internet is not as easy to come by as I thought it would be. Hm. Well, here is a post glossing over the last 4 days. I have to say, Woodpigeon are without a doubt the most talented and professional musicians I've ever known. Now, that's not really saying a lot, as I don't tend to work with musicians, BUT I do know the goods when I see them - and these peeps are the goods. Super nice, patient, hard working, talented sons of guns. It has been a pleasure getting to work and hang out with them so far, and I'm very thankful they are letting me tag along this whole time.

On to the photos. (oh, and I'm changing up the format here. Captions will now be above the accompanying photo instead of below. Seems better to me).

On the way from Leeds to Edinburgh we stopped at a seaside town called Berwick-upon-Tweed and grabbed a hot steak pie and some fresh air. Here's Mark drinking it in.

And the band standing on the top of some ancient ruin type deal.

Once we arrived in Edinburgh, they played at the Cabaret Voltaire or, 'Cab-Vol', I was told.

After a very lovely morning touring Edinburgh (it is CRAZY old and super cool) the next stop was Manchester (where unfortunately, the loveliest Miss Coe had to train it back to London, and she's been terribly missed).

Here is Mark as seen with disco ball for head.

This is the wall behind the bar in the venue. Reminds me of the opening scene in Back to the Future.


 Next up, Brighton. Another seaside town with great fish and chips and a beautiful venue.

Early the next morning we drove back to Manchester so Woodpigeon could hit 2 studio sessions with 2 different radio stations (well, 3 technically. 2 different BBC shows at one location).

Here is Chris the drummer getting a little cheeky. 

And that takes us up to date. Tomorrow we leave Manchester early to make a 2 pm sound check in London. This will be good. London means we pick up Miss Coe for another leg of the tour! 

Also, I've made a couple vids that I'll try to post soon. Word.


A trip to London in May

I'm taking a trip to London on May 6th. Woodpigeon european vacation 2010

A trip to Manchester in May

I'm taking a trip to Manchester on May 5th. Woodpigeon european vacation 2010

A trip to Brighton in May

I took a trip to Brighton on May 4th. Woodpigeon european vacation 2010

A trip to Manchester in May

I took a trip to Manchester on May 3rd. Woodpigeon european vacation 2010